

*The Steele's Manor*

*Havilah City*

Draco gently placed her on the bed, she was still unconscious and beads of sweat had formed on her face, his chest tightened once he remembered the scars .

He got a wet towel and gently pressed it on her forehead, her brows knitted together and a little cry escaped her lips.

" No ..don't ccome ..closer..p.please l.let me go..

" Cara Mia, it's me, there's no one else here "

Draco said gently.

" M.mother..noooooo mother.. d.don't..

His brows creased with worry as he nestled close to her, he wondered what had made her this vulnerable, he was used to seeing her so self-assured and confident and this was the first time he was seeing a different side of her.

" Shh.. it's okay, it's just a nightmare..

Her eyelashes fluttered weakly and even when she opened her eyes, the fear was still evident in them.

Erada didn't realize she was trembling until Draco held on to her hand, she had finally seen the man that had always plagued her nightmares and he was no on
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