

Bianca's POV:  

"My little babies are one!" I squeal as I pick up Octavi from his play pen. He smiles at me but looks down to his brother right after. Leon scoops up Alec and the two boys smile at each other.  

"Don't squeal too loud," Leon reminds me, "Alec's hearing is really sensitive." I always forget, which makes me feel so sorry. His right ear has no hearing but his left does, it's just super sensitive.  

"Sorry buddy," I say to Alec and he starts to babble on, "I'm so glad the party is over."  

"So am I," Leon sighs in relief, "who knew two one year old parties could be so stressful."  

"Now we know what to expect next year," I tell him, "one more year until November 5. You two aren't allowed to age anymore." Alec giggles and starts going 'Tav'. "He said Tav! Leo! Say it again baby boy!" Leon switches the babies in our arms and I smile at my son, "Is Tav your brother? Yes he is!"  

"Tav T

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