
Chapter 1

Allistar POV

Today is my 18th birthday and i cannot explain how excited I am to find my mate, i've been waiting for her since I first found about about mates, which was when I was 10 years old. So, yea I have been waiting for a long time and all I can hope for is that she is kind and maybe just maybe a good fighter. The last one is mainly becasue I am the Top Warrior of my pack, the Opal river pack, and it would be a dream come true to train with my mate. I became Top Warrior of my pack a few weeks after my 16th birthday. I had always been an amazing warrior since i started training when i was 12 years old per the request of my father Alexander to ensure I make myself useful to the pack. Normally a warrior will get pormoted to Top Warrior much later in their age, usually around 30 years old, so you might be wondering why I've taken on the position at such a young age. Well, that would be due to the fact that i shifted at the age of 16 which is 2 years earlier than most and also becasue I am the only one skilled enough to match the strength of our Alpha, Alpha White.

Now back on to the topic of my mate. Mates are a big deal to werewolves, they are our other half and the ones that were made specifically for us to spend the rest of our lives with. They are our forever and always person. Of course I am excited to meet her, but if I'm being honest one of the reason I can't wait for my mate is becasue I can't wait to feel loved for the first time in my life. Yes, I know I have my parents, but I wouldn't go as far as saying that they love me and treat me like their son. They aren't cruel or anything like that, but affection isn't something they are capable of. I don't care who my mate is or the position they hold in the pack, they could be an Omega, lowest rank in the pack, and I would love them for the rest of my days.

I am running 10 minutes behind for training due to my over excitement to find my mate today. After training I plan to walk the pack grounds in search of her and hopefully end my day curled in bed with my beautiful mate. I quickly grabbed a pair of navy blue work out shorts for training and rushed out the door to the training grounds to begin training my morning class.

Getting to the training grounds just barely 5 minutes late and I notice my best friend Dimitri, the furture Alpha of my pack, has already started the warriors on their warm up excercises.

"Hey man, sorry I'm late." I say guiltily because I"m never late and feel bad he had to start without me.

"What's up? You're never late to training. Is something on your mind?" Dimitri says without sparing a glance at me.

"I turn 18 today and I guess I just got distracted thinking about who she will be." I say with slight embarassment. Dimitri met his mate, Crystal, last year when he turned 18 and she is amazing. She is his perfect match and will make an amazing Luna when he takes over the Alpha title at 21.

"I totally understand. I was distracted the whole day on my 18th birthday trying to find my mate." he says with a slight chuckle.

After our small conversation we made the warriors run 15 miles to keep up their stamina before working on our hand to hand combat. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we do hand to hand combat and on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday we do weapons training. Weapons training helps teach them how to fight with knives and bows while simultaniously teaching them how to defend against these types of weapons.

By the end of the day I still hadn't found my mate even after walking the pack grounds for hours. Maybe she isn't 18 yet or she is in another pack, I just hope I find her soon.

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