

After they are done drinking and eating, Drake and Dillon decided to go to the summer realm to survey the situation there.

"I will be back in a couple of hours" Drake whispered to Nyra, to which she nodded her head.

Dale and Mason were just walking inside the dining room when they saw Drake and Dillon. They walked directly towards them.

They too look tired, but not as bad as Dillon. They must have slept for a couple of hours.

"Hey Drake"

"Your highness" they both greeted Drake and politely nodded to Nyra.

"What happened to you?" Mason asked Dillon, eying him up and down.

Drake's lips twitched at that question.

"Our Dillon here couldn't sleep at all" Drake supplied helpfully.

Dillon glared at Drake, who look too happy at his misery

Mason and dale chuckled.

"Why couldn't he sleep," Mason asked eagerly.

"Why are you so eager to find that out?" Dillon muttered.

"Man, if it's about you, then it's bound to be fu

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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ztreb Ez Roble
i think this story is now end........ no chapters update.
goodnovel comment avatar
Marje Caye
When is the the next chapter.,😞
goodnovel comment avatar
Ztreb Ez Roble
no update or this is the last chapter with no ending.?

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