
CHAPTER SiXTY ‘An old friend’

I personally delivered the next Tonic to Leader Atrix despite my injuries which I hid. The next few weeks were horrible for me.

Although I ate well and healed well, it was slow unlike before especially because of my broken heart.

Draco, Cameron and Ziyah was gone. And now I was alone, getting weak everyday.

Everytime Leader Atrix needed another dose of tonic I would deliver. Now, it remained a month for leader Atrix to take the tonic and be completely cured. I was desperately trying to survive but I was afraid I couldn't live until then.

Surprisingly, while I was resting in my cave. I got an intruder. I was most surprised to see that it was Nelix.

I bowed in greetings and she reciprocated.

“Sister Beauty, how come you look so lean?”

I smiled weakly, “Sister Nelix-”

“-Why didn't you tell me you found a cure

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