


Hanna's mother called, worried, and Liz, Cloe's mother talked to her for almost an hour, disappointment seeping through her every word. They were at home and her father, always so quiet, seemed to search for the right words to instill in his daughter's mind all the craziness she was doing by starting to date, regardless of who it was now.

" Daughter, it's not just because that boy is who he is....”

" It's because of that too, yes, Calo! " shouted Liz. " That Tulio is always involved with heavy people! He's not a man any mother would want for her daughter.”

Liz's tears were falling profusely. And Cloe felt the need to defend her beloved, it hurt her to hear her mother talking about him. Even if she was a little right, she shouldn't be so prejudiced.

" Do you know him, mother?”

" Hey," her father interrupted her. They were in the living room, they had just arrived and she already knew that tempers were going to get very hot. " Let's not go that way, daughter.

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