

Michael looked fearfully at Lucifer, with eyes as wide as Victoria's legs when he was fucking her and his body trembling. Victoria looked petrified at Lucifer, his eyes were shining with fury and his fists were clenched tightly.

"Get out, Victoria." Lucifer gritted. His annoyance and rage increased with every single breath Michael was taking.

"No! Please! I was the one who-"

"I SAID GET OUT!" Lucifer growled as the entire room shook with his words. Victoria let out a startled scream when Lucifer grabbed Michael by his head and smashed it on the wall nearby, blood seeping out like a waterfall of red liquid.

Michael groaned in agony, as Lucifer threw him across the room, shattering the glass table as Michael's bare back hit the table. Threads of glass pierced his skin, making small several red holes in his back.

"Stop it! Please!" Victoria screamed, tears falling through her eyes like the blood seeping through Michael's body, fresh and raw.

"What's happening?" A familiar s
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