
17: Does it work ?


"Are you ready Theo ?" Harry asks him… me and Byron are standing next to him waiting too ... Well, this is it, the plan is about to go down.

Theo nods and runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, as ready as I am going to be".

"Good because she is on her way … so we better get out of the way now". Byron says, sounding slightly nervous, looking around.

Byron has asked her to meet him at the bar, but he isn't going to show … instead Theo will just happen to be here and after a short while Byron will text her that he can't come and that will be Theo's moment to strike.

Harry is hiding with a video camera ... he is going to tape everything and he has even hooked up Theo with a microphone so she can't talk her way out of anything.

Byron and I are going to be in the bar as well ... hidden out of sight ... I don't really need to be here, but there is no way I am going to miss this.

I don't know how Byron did it, but he has managed to talk the owner of the bar into helping us ...
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