
28: The talk


"And now we need to talk, Byron". I roll onto my stomach and prop myself up on my elbows looking at him ... the immediate needs are taken care of ... now to the hard part.

Byron puts his hands behind his head and looks up at me with calm resolution in his eyes. "Okay darling..what do you want to talk about ?"

"What happened Byron.. all of it … we can't just pretend the last year hasn't happened ... we can't pretend like you didn't fuck my sister ... or that you did not spin out of control". I look at him for a reaction.

He sits up and pulls the duvet over his legs and crotch as he nods slowly. "I wish we could. No, I wish I could turn back time and make the right choice from the beginning, you know, do right to you and get the help I needed".

"But you can't Byron, you really broke my heart back then ... and my sister ... seriously ?" I am looking down at my hands.

He moves closer, so he can catch my eyes with his. "I am truly sorry about what I did with Alli. I panicked
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