
Last moment change

Lucy had gone to sleep early as she had to wake up before time. When she had woken up it was already seven. She noticed that Robin was sleeping as well. Watching at the clock she was able to understand that she has only one more hour to leave. 

She called Robin also to wake up. When she was dressing up he received a call. '' Who's calling me at this hour?''. Checking the name on the screen. It was Chelsa. '' What does she need right now? Hello,'' she picked up. 

'' Yes, why did you called?''. Hearing everything from her she sits down on the bed and the phone calls from her hands. Robin came inside the room asking what cloth she might be wearing right now. 

'' Lucy, I have pressed them what would you be wearing?'' he asked without watching her. As she was not answering he asked again,'' If you don't answer it will be hard for me to choose your dress, Hurry up please.'' 

'' What-'' he watched her sitting onto the bed helplessly with the

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