
Chapter fifty three: facade of research

Aria’s POV

"How do you know Fara?" he raised a brow.

"Well... she is a friend, one of the only people who've been genuinely nice to me when I stayed at the pack house. you're the infamous daddy she's been telling me about," I chuckle.

"I guess so," he smiles. Now that I'm looking at it, Fara has the same face as her father; the only difference is her eyes and hair—probably her mother's.

"Fara is a good kid. She'd always have stories to tell me whenever she came back from school. I miss her cute voice and her stories."

"As nice as she is, she can be a pain in the neck sometimes," he laughs.

"Oh really?" I raise a brow.

"Knock, knock," Rose says when she walks in.

Lucas frowns, "How many times do I have to tell you to knock before coming?"

"I did; I said knock, knock" she smile innocently. "Well, I don't remember telling you, you couldn't come in." His frown deepen.

"Oh come on, Lucas, take a break," she rolls her eyes.

"Are you done getting the lab ready?" Lucas turns to his papers.

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