
chapter forty two


**Jade Mitchell's POV**

"I can't believe everyone has already gone to bed," I said, sitting in front of the piano.

"Sometimes they do that, but wake up to eat," Josh said, browsing through the TV channels.

"How about waking them up with some music?" I suggested excitedly.

"Of course, any specific song you want?"

"Play whatever you'd like."

I decided to switch to a song by a singer I used to be a fan of. My fingers glided across the piano keys, creating a beautiful symphony. I didn't finish singing the entire song when I saw Justin standing near the door, watching me. My face must have turned as red as a tomato because I saw him chuckle and go talk to Josh.

Damn it, Jade, don't let a smile destroy you. Not again.

I can't ruin anything here; I think I'm finally going to have a family, and neither I nor anyone else can mess that up.

The doorbell rang, and he got up to see who it was. I stood up with Josh to see what was happening, and there was a blonde woman at the door, blonde and
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