
Chapter 20: Target Super Power


I wake to the bright light because of the blinds I forgot to close and the smell of breakfast drifting from the kitchen. I’m not a morning person, but the smells are enticing me from my cozy bed. I quickly pee, wash my face and hands, run a brush through my hair, then pad slowly to a kitchen island barstool.

Kennedy stands dressed for the day at the stove. I smell bacon and see her flip an omelet as I nibble on the fresh fruit in the center of the island.

“Good Morning,” I mumble in greeting to Kennedy’s back.

“Good Morning,” she returns, turning with a smile. She fetches a bowl of yogurt to join the fruit. “Bacon will be ready in a minute. You can make some toast with peanut butter.” Kennedy points towards a loaf of bread and peanut butter next to the toaster. She remembers I do not eat eggs.

We eat in silence. I make quick work of my peanut butter toast and five strips of bacon. I place some yogurt in a small bowl, then sprinkle with banana slices and grapes. Kennedy nibbles o
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