
Chapter 50: Like Solar Flares From The Sun, Hot


My cell phone buzzes as I approach the girls near the meat case. I look at my text.

Jorge: at the lake yet?

Me: shopping with your sis

Jorge: careful she’s used to feeding toddlers

Me: I’m in charge of alcohol

Jorge: smart choice

Me: what you up to?

Jorge: working

Jorge: on break

Me: weekend’s gonna suck

Jorge: hair down have some fun

“Tell him I say hi,” Martha says, bumping my shoulder, startling me.

My eyes dart from my phone to meet two very prying sets of eyes. I attempt to brush it off as nothing important.

“Don’t put your phone away,” Reagan pleads.

“We won’t pry,” Martha states. “Jorge needs you.”

I stare at Martha in fear. Jorge and I are friends, nothing more. We are honest with each other. We keep in touch, but we have moved on. He’s attempting to win Rosalynn back, and I’m helping my friends have a baby. My phone vibrates repeatedly in my back pocket, as Reagan and Martha excuse themselves to allow me to continue our conversation.

Jorge: you need fun before you get
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