

"What are you all doing in the woods by this time?" One of the men asked, he was their leader, i guess.

"Oh! Sammy, it's me Frank."

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry sir Frank, didn't know it was Sir Jason we are really sorry.” Phew! They weren't bad guys.

Now that I do think about it, they do look like body guards, they must have been hired for the party.

Its nice knowing that, I was so scared to death when they first appeared.

"So, why are you guys here? I saw you both engaged in a combat.” The Sammy guy said with creased brows.

"That question should be directed to you, and don't mind what you saw, it was nothing.”Jason responded

"We were in search of you and your wife."

"And you too sir Frank." Sammy said

Glancing at my wrist watch, I was shocked to see that we had spent nearly an hour in here

"We would be heading back now.... let's go.” Jason said stretching his palm at me

" all might want to dust yourselves a little." Oh yeah, it was embarrassing, but I definite
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