

"Oh, I'm sorry, sometimes I forget that I'm awake. My mother wasn't kidnapped, it must be because I feel so sick that's why I'm talking rubbish. What time did you get back?" She asked to divert his attention from her former words.

"Don't do that my pretty, don't try to distract me. I will come back to this but first you have to take the herbs I got for you. I'll make the medicine and after you've taken them, you'll explain everything to me okay?"

"Hmmm," she said, trying to hold back her barf. Seeing how uncomfortable she was, he went to prepare the mixture that would make her feel better.

"Here, take this, " he said , handing the bowl of green liquid to her. She took a sip and her face squeezed like that of an old woman. She spat the liquid out, giving him a killer gaze.

"What is this, do you want to kill me, why is this liquid so bitter? I knew it, I knew all along that you never liked me and you were looking for an opportunity to get rid of me." She lamented loudly with fake years
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