


"Stop crying. I didn't force you, you called me to come get you." Hellis said in an uncaring tone.

"You would have hurt my family if I didn't come with you."

"Yes, that's very true." He grinned evilly.

"Do I have to do this?" She asked with an unsure tone.

"Yes you're a queen, a witch queen!" His tone made her flinch.

"The sooner you understand this the better."

"You kept me bound here, father isn't that too much?" Her eyes were teary and she didn't hold them back.

"You'll just cry like you always do, at least you won't be able to escape, my mind would be at peace and least I forget, you'll be meeting with the council soon. So try as much as possible to behave well. Any wrong move and I will make your family pay so dearly."

He walked out before she could even say a word.

She wasn't crying because she didn't want the post but because of king. She had hurt him so much by choosing a position over him.

"He'll never understand, I did this for him. Dad would have killed
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