
Chapter 136

Claire's POV

This is the best thing to do. I repeat this to myself as I walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I decide it's easier to assume he knew about me all's not his fault. He didn't know his love for me was because of what I am. One day his true mate will come and he will be- I can't finish that thought.

One thing I can't leave unfinished is the murder of Kenneth, May, and my unborn cousin...but that will have to be a different day. It's time to get smart. It's to risky to get my revenge right now...but one day I will avenge them. I sneak out to the back door. My eyes linger up at the window on Martin. I see his brown eyes turned down in sadness, his lips parted as he lets out an order, strong hands shaking...a part of my heart hurts knowing I'll never see him again but the other part is glad. Hoping if I never see him again I'll never have to think if he was involved with May and Kenneth's death. My lingering eyes shift to the dense forest. Maybe my
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