
Chapter 15

Ausha's POV 

I ENTERED the office Early, I was just a little ahead of Yanna, who also missed her mouth. After a while, Yanna came and didn't even pay attention to me even though I greeted her with Good Morning. 

She's really mad at me? She's really tough. 

"Hey Yanna?" I called her attention but she still didn't look at me, I smiled as an idea came to my mind. 

"I have a treat for you, I know you'll like it," I said with a smile. 

She immediately turned to me and snorted. "As for you, you didn't say goodbye to me, hehe, what kind of welcome is that?" she asked with a smile and held on to my arm. 

See, her counterpart is just a welcome, like a child. I took my greeting card from my shoulder bag and gave it to her.

"Here is a Bracelet and chocolate from Italy," I promised with a smile and her eyes immediately lit up and I immediately grabbed my hand to greet her. 

"Omg! I really love you the bestfriend, your the best, but wait where did I get these imported chocolates and this beautiful Bracelet huh?" She immediately put the Bracelet on her right hand. It has the style of a round Bracelet and each circle has Italian words written on it, saying Thyro is a lucky bracelet. 

I smiled. "Just, did you like it?" I asked and sat in my chair. She nodded and frowned. 

"Is it good that you even thought about coming in? You didn't even text or call that you were going on vacation? While I was working here and you just relaxed, where is the justice?" she raised her eyebrows at her as she crossed her arms over her chest. I smiled sparingly. 

"I'm sorry, Yanna because it was sudden and I had a lot to do so I didn't have a chance to text or call you," I explained. She smiled again. 

"And since you haven't texted or called me, you will free me lunch for 1 week." Her eyes widened when she looked at her. 


"No more excuses this time best, that's your punishment because you didn't say goodbye to me," she said, waking up and I knew I would beg her. 


"No more excuses," she interrupted what I was going to say. 

I didn't do anything but give her free lunch for 1 week. That's what always happened during a Sunday. Yanna would come to the office early to free lunch at noon and sometimes I worked overtime. Our company is no longer bankrupt because of the help of the Callen's family. 

Sunday came and the designer of the gown that Tita Tiara took came. At home we chose to choose what to wear for the wedding. "Ms. Ausha, have you liked the design of the gown that will be used for your wedding?" smilingly asked Ms. Candice. 

I looked at her and smiled lightly. "Not yet, do you have other designs of gowns?" I will ask. She nodded. 

"There's more wait," she said as I took another magazine full of different types of wedding gowns. "Here," she said and smiled again and she sat on the single sofa and used her cell phone. 

I also put down a first magazine full of designs and I didn't like anything except the price was expensive and I didn't look beautiful in the gown. "Thank you." 

"Alright, Ms. Ausha take your time." Just as I expected, Aunt Tiara and her son, Lance, arrived. 

I saw Aunt Tiara and Lance enter, Aunt immediately hugged me and kissed my cheek. 

"Hi Hija, how are you?" 

"I'm a good Aunt," my answer. She smiled. 

"Call me Mommy just hija, that's totally where I was going then," she teasingly with a laugh. 

I just had to laugh. "Hahaha, okay M-Mommy," I replied a bit shyly. 

"Oh? Isn't it better to listen? By the way, you are beautiful, hija, how old are you again?" she asked again. 

"Ahm—it was October 29th last month, 23," I answered simply. 

"Is that so? It's a shame we didn't come," there was regret in her voice. I shook my head. 

"It's okay, please sit down first," I begged them as they were still standing, including Mr. Lance just stared at me. 

"What do you want me to prepare for you? Juice? Water? Coffee?" I offer, I'm ashamed that I won't give them anything to drink. 

"Oh don't worry hija, have you already chosen a gown to wear?" she asked and looked at the magazines scattered on the table. 

I just shook my head and smiled slightly. "Nothing yet because I don't like anything," I replied a bit shyly. 

"Ah, is that so, I'll just help you choose, is that okay with you?" she offered. 

"Go ahead." 

"As for you, Lance hijo, choose what you will wear for your wedding with hija Ausha." 

"Yes Mom." He looked at me and smiled that smile that you don't like, I looked away from him. 

Designer Candice quickly reached for the magazine full of wedding suits. We almost took a long time to choose, sometimes I noticed Mr. staring at me. Lance and I were surprised by the way he looked at me as if he had a bad plan, but I just ignored it, that's how he looked, until we finished around 6 p.m. in the afternoon precisely because Dad came from the company. 

"Oh man, I'm glad you came here," Dad happily said to Tita and Mr. Lance. Aunt nodded and smiled. 

"Of course, the wedding of my son and Hija Katlyn is already being planned." 

"I'm happy that we will be family, son, is my son treating you well?" Dad asked and he turned to me and smiled. 

I just shook my head. Dad I don't want to marry him—but I do it. For you and for us, I love you Dad. He nodded and turned to me with a smile. 

"Yes Uncle, your daughter is kind and beautiful," there was mischievousness in his voice. 

"Hahaha you're right son, he was a carbon copy of her Mommy when she was still a girl," Dad smiled as he looked at me as if he saw Mom in me. 

"That's why Uncle." 

"It's late, why don't you have dinner here?" Dad suggested. While I was silent on one side. 

"It's even better, son, call your Dad and tell him to come straight here and let's have dinner here," Aunt Tiara ordered her son. 

"Okay Mom." 

That same night we were eating together, they were busy talking about my wedding with Mr. Lance, sometimes they also asked me, I just nodded and smiled at them. When dinner was over, I immediately said goodbye and went up to my room to take a bath, while I was taking a bath, I heard the door to my room open but I just ignored it, maybe it was Nanny Charlotte, because Nanny has a habit of entering my room to clean or to get something, I just put on a towel and went out of the bathroom but I was very surprised to see Mr. Lance at my bathroom door, I was about to close it when he suddenly grabbed me and cornered me in the bathroom door. 

My heart was pounding with fear and shocked. I'm afraid of what he can do to me. 

"W-What are you d-doing h-here?" I asked nervously. 

The strength of my heartbeat feels like it will come out of my body anytime. This one is a rapist! He just smiled and looked down at my body, I wasn't wearing anything except the towel wrapped around me so I was even more nervous about what he could do to me, even though I was shaking with fear and I tried to push him but nothing happened as if he was a wall that didn't even move. 

"W-What do you need?" I stuttered my question even though I was nervous and scared and I still managed to ask. He grinned and licked his bottom lip and looked over my whole body. 

"I just want to see my future wife get close, why isn't your future wife allowed to do that, Ausha?" he said and brought his face close to my neck and smelled me there. 

My hair stood up in horror and fear of him, I lost my composure. I calmed myself down. Calm down Shasha, he won't do anything bad to me. I swallowed. 

"No, but I wish you would have waited outside my room," I defended. 

"Okay," he said and removed his face from my neck and walked away from me. I was a bit relieved. 

"I just want to say that when we get married, always OBEY my order or else I will punish you in bed!" he said firmly and left my room. 

I was just dumbfounded by what he said and horrified. It seems that he is now in charge of my life by the time we get married. 

I just sighed, I didn't think about what he said and got dressed and went to bed early. In just two days I will marry Mr. Lance Callen but it seems like everyone is still not processing me, I feel like I want to retreat and run away from our marriage but I also thought that this is for Dad and in our business, Dad only expects me, I don't want to disappoint him , because I know he also doesn't want me to be tied to a relationship I don't want. During that day we measured the clothes to be used, Yanna also accompanied me in measuring the gown I would use, even the one they will wear at the wedding. 

Time went by fast and one day I was going to get married. I sighed and left my room, when I went down to the living room everyone was busy because they hired Aunt Tiara to take care of everything. 

I just called Yanna to ask her out because I was suffocating at home, all the attention was on me and I was always congratulated, I just knew that I didn't want the wedding to happen. Yanna put the coffee on our table.

"One coffee for our bride congrats best," there was teasing in the tone of her voice. I worked hard on her and sipped coffee. 

"What are you doing, Yanna, I left the house because I'm getting choked up from congratulating me here as well?" I said a little smugly. 

"Hey, I'm just happy that you will marry me first," she said while smiling at me. 

That day almost ended with our sightseeing at the mall, one day passed I couldn't sleep so I decided when I left my room and went to the kitchen, I got some wine and poured it into a glass to drink it straight, It's really bothering me, I don't know, but he enters my mind, no matter how much I forget, he won't disappear. I miss his ocean blue eyes, I miss his sinful touch, I miss his soft punishment lips, I miss his hard body heat against mine, I really miss Thyro. 

After a while, I heard footsteps approaching me, but I didn't look back. 

"Oh hija, why are you drinking? That's not allowed for you, tomorrow is your most important day, you're getting married, you're not allowed to get drunk and stressed?" Dad said with concern and sat in the chair next to me. I sighed and placed the wine glass on the table. 

"I know Dad, I just want to relax because I can't sleep, Dad," I admitted to him.

"Sorry Hija Ausha, you were the one who got stuck in our business, I understand that you have a grudge against me, I don't care about you father so I apologize," there was sadness in his voice. I tried to smile at Dad. 

"It's okay Dad, I don't have no choice and if that's not true then you're worthless to me and you're the best Dad ever, you didn't leave me when I was a baby and now we're getting married that your son is always with me, Dad, that's why I thank you so much, Dad, I love you, there's nothing I can do tomorrow, your princess is getting married," I gave Dad a forced smile. Dad smiled at me and kissed my forehead. 

"Thank you because you understand your Dad, but hija, I hope you don't change when you get married, huh? Maybe you won't pay attention to me, your Daddy will be sad," he teased me. I just laughed at what he said. 

"Oh, Dad, of course you're not the first man I've loved after my two brother," I promised with a laugh. Dad laughed. 

"Alright, hija, go to sleep tomorrow, the most important day for you will happen," Dad said and went back to his room. 

I would rather marry Thyro than Mr Lance. When I finished the wine, I immediately went back to my room. I just lay down and looked at the ceiling. Tomorrow my life will change, I will no longer be single, someone will hold my life, and above all, I will be tied. I'm in a relationship I never dreamed of. 

The next day I was already awake at five o'clock because tomorrow is 10:00 a.m. our wedding in the church, I immediately took a shower and Ms. Candice. While she was fixing me, Yanna and my other cousins and relatives also came, our living room was almost full of people, Yanna later entered my room. 

"Hi beautiful Ausha, I already said it! That's why I became your best friend, we're both beautiful hahahaha." I just laughed at what she said. 

"Morning? Are you more excited than me when you're dressed up?" my statement 

"You know your maid of honor is not allowed to be late," I just smiled at her. 

I took her as my maid of honor because she was closer to me, I considered her more of a sister than my two older brothers. 

We couldn't help but talk while they fixed me and after I was fixed, they helped me put on the gown I had chosen. Actually it's backless so you can see my whole back. There is a bra on the chest of the gown. It is beautifully decorated with diamonds and it shines whenever the gown moves. Its veil is also long and reaches up to my waist. 

"All done Ms. Ausha you're such a beautiful bride of the year!" happy statement of Ms. Candice. 

"Thank you Ms. Candice." 

"You're welcome, dear." 

"Wow best friend, you look better today than before." Yanna's eyes shone as she looked at me. 

I raised my eyebrows and winced. 

"So I was ugly earlier?" I asked sullenly. 

"No, as for me, it's really better now," she added. 

I just smiled at her and this time I gave a real smile. 

"Thank you Yanna, because you've always been there for me, you never leave me, that's why I love you so much." 

"W-What are you doing best? I'm already crying because of you, don't m-make me cry and don't cry it will ruin your make-up it will make you ugly, you want to be the disgusting bride of the year?" she asked me, laughing. Ms. Candice also laughed. 

When they finished fixing me, they helped me down to the first floor of the house and the attention of the people in the living room almost went to me when they applauded with a big smile on their lips. 

When we got down, Dad greeted me with a tight hug, he was wearing a black suit and he was handsome in what he was wearing, he looked even younger in his stance. 

"You're such a beautiful princess." 

"Thank you Dad, you look handsome, you look even younger in what you're wearing," I said with a smile. 

"Hahaha, you're really telling me off, maybe later I'll believe you." 

"It's true, dad," I defended. 

"Hahaha, come on, daughter, they've been waiting for you at the church for a while now, I don't want to be late on your wedding day." Dad and Yanna rode in the bridal car. Our relatives also followed when we got to the church. There were many people inside and outside. When they saw what I was riding in, they immediately went inside. 

There was a big fountain in front of the church, we went down and Yanna and Dad supported me, my relatives came next, they entered the church immediately after. The music started and the Ring Bearer entered, accompanied by the others, after them it was me. 

"Are you ready princess?" Dad asked. I just nodded in response. 

When they opened the door of the church, all the attention of the people inside went to me, it's a double door, and the wedding music started playing. I hooked my left arm on Dad's arm, he would lead me to the altar, Dad smiled at me and whispered to me. 

"Don't worry, hija Ausha, Dad is here, I'll accompany you to the altar," Dad promised with a smile. 

I just tried to smile at Dad, I was nervous as I walked slowly, I held tightly to Dad because they thought I was one of them. I hope the earth eats me. Because of my nervousness I bent down. 

"Chin up Princess Ausha Hija you're beautiful don't hide your face," Dad whispered to me. 

So I just followed him, I chin up and met their eyes, but there was a man who caught my attention, the man next to Mr. Lance, he's handsome, I can't deny that the sky blue suit suits him, he looks like an Italian model who appeared in a magazine, he's even taller than Mr. Lance Callen, I can't take my eyes off of him so that I can be attracted by his gaze on me, even if he is also staring at me, especially his ocean blue eyes. 

Shutang ina, that man is Thyro, I really miss him. I couldn't help but imagine that he would be my groom, Mr. Lance smiled though maybe I was looking at him. He just stared at me with no emotion as if he was watching my every move. The way he looked at me made me even more nervous, my heart became restless, my heartbeat became abnormal. 

We got closer and closer to the altar. My chest was pounding, I couldn't tell if I was nervous or because the man I was looking at was now in front of me.

At this time. I wish he was my groom, if only you had been a little ahead Thyro, I would have married me. But fate is against us because it didn't happen, but I was happy that I met him even for a little moment and I was happy with his feeling, and I treasure that moment with him.

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