

I wipe down the counters at the front desk, half watching the customers enjoying lunch as the twins handle the orders and Greta cooks while half-watching Jyeon in the far corner. He settled himself by a window seat out of the sun's concentrated rays to work on his laptop today, and try as I might not to keep looking over, I can't help myself.

It’s been irking on me this past couple of weeks, but today, it seems concentrated because of how accessible he is where he’s sat all alone. Even when submerged in OLO's work ad emails, he attracts female attention without trying. Local girls see new handsome meat to approach and the odd bold tourist who finds reason to interrupt him and ask something pointless. The last one wanted directions to the bakers even though the entire town is signposted. So embarrassingly obvious.

I am trying so hard not to be some uptight green-eyed psychopath, but now I have identified my deep-rooted insecurity because of the past; I can a

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