
70. Expiration

“FREEZE! This is the Police! Put your hands where I can see them."

The commotion prompted the slowly succumbing Gray Stewart to part her eyelids once again. With her blurred vision, she strenuously strived to make sense of the surreal vision seen from her eyes. There were a lot of motions going on. Her ears were near deaf, it felt as if she was underwater. She could hear mumbling, inaudible voices. And she felt the floor shaking. In a nutshell, she had been taken to a jam-packed public swimming pool in summer, filled with half-naked people sardined together.

Gasping for air, her eyes started to quiver as she felt more blood oozing out of her stomach. And as she forced her consciousness to stay for longer, she began to taste blood in her mouth. It was like gargling a rust-flavored juice.

Just then, she felt a pres


I'm sorry for the short update today T.T We had visitors so I couldn't collect my thoughts *groveling on the ground* I'll do better tomorrow. Thank you for putting up with my excuses huhu.

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