


I’m not sure how long I lay there.

Whatever poison she mustered, it’s punishing. Days must have passed, and yet here I am, still lying upon her chair, bandages strewn across my bare chest. Not once, has this crazed lunatic returned, even to check on me. She’s lucky I could lay here for centuries and not once even lose consciousness. But I’m bored…painfully bored. And angry.

Footsteps echo throughout the basement, light and quick. Raising my head, ignoring the way my neck aches in protest. Jennifer walks into the room, dressed neatly, hair pulled back into a bun. The rest I hardly pay attention to; she’s hardly worthy of more than a brief glance.

“Apologies about leaving you so long. I had business to attend to, people to correspond with,” she comments, dumping a pile of paper on the bench near me.

I don’t say anything.

“This is turning out to be more difficult than I intended. Here I was, thinking one of my professors would know how to return your powers. But no. So, you’ll
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