
Sandra's attack

Donald knew that the person talking just got off a call but he can't figure out who the caller was, "Should i call Clara so she could tell Sandra? What if she don't belief? What! What!! Do I do?" Donald asked himself while moving fast from the shortcut he wanted to take.

An idea quickly pop up in him. He took his small Nokia phone from and dialled police number.

"Hello! Who is on the line," a police said.

"I am Donald Benjamin from Webb schools. I over heard some gangs plotting to kill one of the students in my school. They are very close to the school gate and soon, they will strike," Donald explained.

"Webb schools right?" The police man asked for affirmation.

"Yes. Please come right away, if not, she would be killed before your arrival," Donald said.

The police man quickly hang up the call. Donald's heart was beating so fast, he moved to a distance away and wait for the policemen to come.

Soon, the school dissmised. Sandra felt so disheartened about what happened, she wanted t
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