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{ Cain }

“I’m ready to stay,” Justin says, sitting in the chair next to me as we have breakfast together. I can’t help but think that we haven’t had breakfast together in five years, “I had my freedom and I got bored of it, now I want to be here. You’re free to go back to your own life.”

I spent a month at the Colucci palace, focused solely on Georgie. I didn’t even have time to learn how to be a good Alpha, I just had some bits and pieces of advice that Asheron gave me.

“Brother… I’ve come to the horrible realization that I don’t want to be free,” I murmur, playing with the coffee cup in my hands. I’m not completely sure of what I’m saying and I’m very nervous, but the idea of going back to the Cain I was before is honestly unthinkable, “Both positions are yours and I know that. Prince and Alpha, they both belong to you by birthright, but… maybe we can share some of the responsibilities? I don’t know.”

I just know I don’t want to leave. Not again.

After the council meeting where Geor
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