
Dancing with a devil

Grusha's POV:

I watched him gulping down his glass in one go before grabbing my glass from my hand and placing them on a table.

"Would you give me the honor of dancing with you my lady?"

"Oh I am flattered Mr. Gentleman."

He is quite playful and flirty to his age but I guessed that he knew better than to cross the line. I placed my hand over his as he walked me to the dancing floor where there were many couples swaying to the slow music. I placed my hand over his shoulder as he grabbed my waist by his other hand. It felt quiet awkward so I did my best to avoid his gaze which was directly on me. I was confused about the emotions that his eyes were displaying but I knew that they were not anywhere lust or desire or cunning. I continued to look down while recalling his features comparing them with Damien. The shape of their faces are the same which may confuse someone to think that they are father and son and the fact that Mr. King looks too young for his age have fair shares in that co
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