
I'm A Fool

Valeria was walking on the road, absent-mindedly. She was almost close to her apartment without knowing it because she trekked all the way from Noah's mansion.

Her vision got blurry due to her tears and her eyes became so red.

"I've been fooled, I'm really a fool!" She cried as she squatted down.

The passerby stared at her, wondering what was actually wrong with her.

"I lost Ergon, I lost everything, including my mum!" She cried but she suddenly stopped crying when she remembered she had Fred and Shantel.

Although she has no feelings for Ergon anymore, she can't help, but blames Noah for losing him.

"Why?" She asked inaudibly to no one in particular. She stood up and continued walking.


Valeria went home in tears. The moment she got in, Shantel hurriedly stood up and rushed to her side. She had put Fred to sleep and she stayed up waiting for Valeria to arrive.

"Oh my God, Valeria? What's wrong? What happened to you?" Shane asked.

"Shane..." Valeria called in tears as she hugged S
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