
Chapter Forty-Nine - Kristy's Dark Plan 

Kristy's POV

"F*CK!" I slammed my fist into the wall, barely noticing the pain that splintered through my knuckles. Red rage clouded my vision, fury pulsing through me with every rapid heartbeat.

"Ella. Always Ella. Even miles away, Aiden had somehow made contact with her through their damned mate bond." I chuckled bitterly, not getting why the hell Aiden pick her over me!

The information clawed at my insides, threatening to tear me apart far more brutal than any physical blow.

"After everything, after all this time away, he still chooses her," I growled, trembling with bitterness.

Lena, my wolf, stirred uneasily within me. "Kris, you must calm yourself," she cautioned, her normally fiery spirit subdued. "This jealousy will only poison us further..." she uttered but I cut her shot.

"Don't tell me to be calm!" I whirled on her, eyes blazing. "You know our pain, the constant torment of seeing them together while Aiden refuses to even glance our way!" Hot tears of frustration burned my
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