
Chapter Sixty - Labour


Pain wracked my body as another agonising contraction hit me. I groaned, gripping the sheets in white-knuckled fists.

This labour was happening too fast - it must've been triggered early by the poisoned "medicine" I drank. Damn Kristy and her sick schemes!

Lea stirred anxiously within me as I panted through the pain. "Breathe, Ella," she urged. "Focus on your strength."

I tried to steady my harsh breathing. But it was so hard to think through the relentless waves of pain crashing over me.

Sweat soaked my skin and matted my hair. I felt like I was being split open from the inside out.

Where was Dalia? I needed the healers. But the castle was in chaos with the fighting - no one even knew I was in labour yet.

The guard also left. And didn't return.

Another contraction seized my body. It was like getting stabbed over and over. A scream ripped from my throat unbidden.

Lea's presence wrapped around my mind, calm and comforting amidst the agony. "You're strong, sister. Our baby will
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