

Arabella Rivera

"I'll admit. I don't like you for my daughter. She deserves someone better. But don't we all?" She whispers. "But we can't choose who we fall in love with. And Arabella seems to love you just as much as you love her."

My heart leaped in anticipation. What were her true intentions? Why was she so calm?

So many questions, yet I had no answers. And honestly, I was afraid to get them.

Ten minutes later, Haiden was all cleaned up. Mother and I helped him onto my bed. "You can sleep here but you need to be out before dawn." Mom said as she moves away from Haiden and me.

Haiden nods with a wince as he tried to get comfortable on my bed. His bloody shirt was discarded on the floor and his sweats were no longer covering his bottom half but were also thrown to the floor carelessly.

"Well, it's not like you're unfamiliar with having to leave around that time now are you?" She asked dryly. And Haiden and I share an awkward stare. Aft

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goodnovel comment avatar
Oh shit, Haiden is gonna freak but also love it!!! Because his women is a badass and I also don’t think nothing good is gunna come of it but we’ll see. Damn it cliffhangers
goodnovel comment avatar
Ray Bozard
when will you have more chapters available
goodnovel comment avatar
ohh gezzz..i guess love sometimes makes you do stupid things

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