
New Camp


I felt so weak and being in Erik’s arms was bliss. I snuggled up to him, hoping he didn’t mind the smell of onions. Because I smelled. Bad.

Someone had hung up some curtains over the corner of the tent to give me a little privacy. They had taken a tub and filled it with steaming water and someone, bless them, had put a half-used piece of soap and a rough rag. I would need some serious scrubbing to get the smell off from me.

Brut had asked someone to get a change of clothing from my saddlebags so I even had clean clothing to put on. That was good. I wasn’t sure how we were going to get the smell of onions out of my tunic.

Erik gently put me on my feet and waved the curious and helpful onlookers away. “Go,” he stated. “I will tend to my wife.”

I looked at him with some confusion. He gave me a tiny smile and then turned a stern look on to the warrior that was lingering. He bowed and left, fastening the curtain.

“You know they are right outside the curtain listening,” I w
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