
Changing hair color

Well things escalated fast.

"So the first thing we are doing is changing your hair back to black bitch…" Amy announced with her hands on her chin looking at Rachel's brown hair.

Rachel looked at her through the mirror and couldn't help but giggle at how serious she looked right now but she wouldn't dare interrupt her, she couldn't begin to pay for taking Amy off her work mode, she had already purchased some dye remover plus some black dye to darken her hair.

"But why did you change your hair color? I mean don't mind me, it looks really beautiful and natural. I just don't understand why you would change it," Amy asked her.

How could she tell her that she was asking the wrong person, that she woke up on the hospital bed with that on her head, but she never even bothered to change it because she herself was a brunette so she didn't think Araceli had black hair and the black roots blended well into the brown, you would think it was intention, just products of really good hair dye and a
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