

After Leo left for his office, Isabella walked inside the servant quarter.

She was happy Leo didn’t force her to go with him.

Her brain was rumbling with so many things she wanted to talk with Mona and relief her mind.

Mona was sitting inside her former room and eating her breakfast.

Noticing Isabella, she dropped her fork and hurriedly walked toward her.

“How are you doing?” Concern was clearly visible on her face and it surprised Isabella, her friend who was always frank about everything happening in the world can worry for her.

Was she so miserable?

Isabella walked toward the bed and sit there before leaning her back to sleep when her feet were still dangling on the floor.

Mona joined her and though other times Mona would joke, this time she didn’t.

“I lose my virginity, Mona,” Isabella said, making Mona gasp and she sit up and looked toward Isabella with concern.

Isabella looked at her and noticed her expression. She was feeling pain.

“It is not something so big, lay bac

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