
A Night to Forget

-Liam Russel of the Silver Moon Pack-

Liam's POV

I spent the last ten years of my life building up my pack. I was born a powerful Alpha and trained everyday to take over when I turned 21. The problem was I had too much strength that my parents didn't know how to tame me.

We usually have our first shift at 16 but it was common a strong wolf, usually an Alpha, shifted earlier. It was my twelfth birthday for me. A day that changed my entire life. I lost my father that day and my mother never forgave me.

We tried to hold out until my eighteenth birthday before I fully took over but my mother was too weak after losing her mate to carry the responsibility. After everyone saw the destruction my power could cause few ever came around me. I was feared by my friends, siblings, and of course my own mother. There was only one person that stood by my side and he was the only person I could truly rely on. I took over my pack at 17 and I made my best friend, my only friend, my Beta.

We went strong for years as the perfect team making our pack the strongest in the world. The only pack that we feared was the last Lycan pack left in this world. They resided in Canada and didn't like my rise to power. The Alpha of the Lycan's had a witch test me because he thought I was spelled somehow or worse a hybrid, but it turned out I was just abnormally powerful.

I didn't care to reign over everyone or bully weaker packs so the Lycan Alpha let me live and returned me back to my home after his tests. From that day forward I never trusted that man though. I was always waiting for the day he came back to kill me. It was what I deserved anyways.

There were rumors how the Alpha Lycan had a harem of mate's and treated them all with a strong fist. I saw the emptiness in his eyes and knew he wasn't someone to piss off. So, I kept my head low and followed all his rules.

Everything was fine until the day I found out who my mate was. Any supernatural can sense their mate on a silver moon, which occurs 3 to 5 times a year. It was a particular full moon when magic was at its fullest strength, that only supernaturals could sense. In rare cases a strong wolf can find their fated on any given full moon though.

There are a lot of events held around the world trying to pair them together on these silver moons. A pack's strength comes from their people and their leaders. The more mates and strong willed wolves, the stronger the pack.

The Alpha Lycan had told me that I had to mate with an Alpha female, whether she be chosen or fated, and that no one could ever mark me. He obviously expected me to bare many heirs, which would be impossible once marked.

He was curious about my wolf and wanted to ensure I had some children that carried the same genes. He seemed threatened by my strength yet wanted more of my kind so it didn't make much sense. Either way, I wasn't rocking that boat which could lead to my pack getting slaughter, so I agreed.

When I found my mate we both knew we couldn't be together. At least not fully marked and mated. For years we hid our relationship but exactly 14 months ago my mate gave me an ultimatum. I was to accept our bond or reject it. Until I made a decision then we wouldn't be together.

That was pure torture for an Alpha, especially a powerful one like me. We needed to mate and every day a need for my own pups was itching away at me. Even though I was only 22 it was imbedded in my soul to lead and procreate.

My wolf Maverick was not happy with my decisions but he understood too. Maverick was more primal and spontaneous. He would take my mate in a second not caring what the consequences were, but he would also claim another just to spread his seed too, especially during the silver moons when it was our mating season.

I couldn't accept our bond and damn my pack and I couldn't reject it either. I lasted 4 months not touching another for relief. I thought my mate would come back to me but it never happened. So, for the past 10 months I've been finding weak humans to let my frustration out on. I can't get one pregnant and I had no desire to mark them.

It was the only fix I could get until my mate would resume our relationship in secret. I knew eventually the Alpha Lycan would force me to take a mate or at least a breeding partner. I was holding out as long as possible before that day came though.

I wanted my fated mate not some random Alpha female that was strong enough to bare my children. Breeding laws had been banned over fifty years ago from all packs but this was a demand from the Alpha Lycan. His power was above our laws and there was no one that could over rule him. There were only about forty Lycans left in the world and their strength could eradicate all of us werewolves.

To be a Lycan you had to carry the gene from one of your parents. When a Lycan mates with other species the Lycan gene was commonly left out. It's believed that werewolves were created by Lycan's mating with weaker creatures almost eradicating their own kind.

Interspecies relationships weren't against the law but it was frowned upon. In some rare cases the child would carry both their parents genes and create a hybrid of species. These hybrids were usually highly unstable. By the time they reached adulthood they would be pure animal, killing for fun.

Years ago hybrid children were killed at birth. With science and magic we have been able to surpress a part of their animal instinct so they could be more human then killer. These hybrids were a lower status then omegas and in a few societies even slaves.

This is why I was so afraid when the Alpha Lycan showed up at my door demanding I be tested. I didn't think I was a hybrid but the immense power that radiates from my body and wolf I was beginning to think somehow I was.

None of that matter though tonight. I was at a local club exclusive to the supernaturals in Chicago and was about ready to leave to find a pretty human for the night when the perfect one walked right in.

She was one of the few humans in the whole place but she didn't seem to mind. She was speaking to Delta wolves like they were friends and it had my interest. Usually woman not of supernatural origins feared the power from us. I couldn't help but wonder if she would be less meek than the other women I've taken to bed.

I hated being so gentle with them. I didn't want to break them in half as I fucked them with all my strength. I could hurt an omega wolf if I got too rough so I could only imagine I would kill a human. That was another reason my mate was perfect. I could pound as hard as I wanted never breaking a single bone. We were evenly matched.

I shook the imagines of fucking my mate from my head. I wasn't getting any of that so I needed this woman tonight. She was dancing with the Delta boy now but he didn't seem to be interested. I knew I could take her out of his arms with one smile. I didn't need to make enemies by randomly killing my own kind, especially over a human.

I saw his sister starting a fight at the bar and suspected they would be leaving soon. I knew their whole family even though we rarely ever spoke. I was lucky if other wolves could form a full sentence around me before pissing themselves plus this family I had some bad history with.

I got up to approach her ready to take her if she tried to leave with them but luckily he left her on the dance floor alone. I watched as she admired the siblings trying to drag their sister out of the club. My guess, she was an only child or lost a sibling.

The second she took a step to leave I wrapped my arms around her waist. My face dropped to her neck taking in her scent and it was a perfect mixture of cherry blossoms and dark wine. Sweet but dangerous if you take too much. I could handle anything she offered though.

We barely spoke two words and she just kissed me. I was stunned by her boldness but wasn't going to complain. I like a woman that took what she wanted as long as she could handle what I dished out too. As my tongue tasted hers I knew we were going to have an amazing night.

I pulled her towards the exit then somehow she resisted my charm. Humans and omegas nearly begged me to fuck them and this little thing was actually debating if it was a good idea or not. I was determined to change her mind.

I took her to the bar and got us a few drinks. We got to know each other a little better while I constantly touched her. My fingers caressed her hand then her knee and up her thigh. When she giggled my wolf preened that we made her smile and I leaned forward with little kisses on her neck or collarbone.

After a half hour I was literally in pain to have this woman filled with me.

"Let's go Ruby. I want you tonight" I knew her name wasn't really Ruby because she searched to tell me it and her heartbeat quickened, but if that's what she wanted me to call her then I was game.

She bit her lip thinking about it then downed another shot. She really needed to stop drinking because I wanted her all night, not some drunk wild cat that passed out half way through.

"Fuck it! Let's go." She grabbed my hand and led me outside, finally. I couldn't help but watch her ass sway imaging all the ways I wanted to see that ass naked in front of me.

Her body was sexy and curvy and I definitely liked having some extra skin to hold on to, especially in the ass. She wasn't the hottest chick in the club but her confidence made her sexier than every one of them.

I opened the backseat of a limo and she side eyed me. The second she said "let's go" I mind linked my men to pull around the car. I forgot she wouldn't know how I could possibly have a car waiting but my dick was thinking for me now.

She sat across from me looking nervous. "Hotel" I told my drive and he nodded then closed the barrier between us. "You having second thoughts, gorgeous?"

"No, it's just a little strange. I'm usually a little more intoxicated before I leave with a total stranger." She spoke smoothly but I knew there was something else to it. Her slight accent told me she was from the east coast so maybe it was being in a strange city.

"You do this often?" I teased, raising an eyebrow at her.

"I doubt as often as you."

"I might surprise you." I curled my finger for her to come next to me. The distance between us was too much and I needed to feel her body.

She gave me a sexy glare then slid her body to mine. My hand skimmed up her thigh making a small moan leave her lips, then she straddled my lap. My hotel was only ten minutes away but I was doubting I could hold out that long. There was something so intoxicating about this woman that I needed to drown myself in.

"You are truly gorgeous, Ruby. We are going to have a long night of pleasure." I dropped my voice, gripping both her thighs while moving her hips slightly on top of me. I suppressed a growl letting out a hard grunt how her hot pussy felt rubbing my very hard cock.

"I think so too." She whispered then captured my lips. Damn! I love how this woman took charge. Our lips were rough and desperate as her hips moved over me. I thrusted up making her moan again then slid my tongue straight in her mouth to taste her again. My hand fisted her hair and the other on her waist pulled her tighter to my body. I was seconds from undoing my belt and fucking her right here.

She leaned back breaking our lips apart and I growled at her for taking away something that gave me so much pleasure. She widened her eyes then giggled.

"Did you growl at me, Sir?" She teased and fuck I was done. She didn't have a shred of fear in her.

"Yes! I like your mouth on mine. Give it back." I leaned forward taking her mouth again then bit her bottom lip.

"Ouch! You're a rough one aren't you, Sir." Her finger lightly touched her swollen lip. I really liked how she called me Sir too.

"Yes! Do you think you can handle a rough man that growls?" My hand slid to her neck, squeezing lightly. She took a hard breath pushing her breast out and I could see her cleavage perfectly.

My hand pushed back her neck, making her back arch and her breast come straight to mouth. My tongue dipped in and out of her cleavage then my lips sucked on top her soft mound. I was about to rip the front of her dress when the limo came to a stop. As much as I didn't want to stop I knew if we could make it to my bedroom we could spend all night fucking.

I clenched my jaw and pulled her back to my lips, squeezing my fingers a little tighter around her neck, and she fucking let out a wanton moan. I grinned from ear to ear at this fragile little human. She was about to find out how rough an Alpha wolf could be.

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Ok then they are consenting adults
goodnovel comment avatar
Macario Vequizo
very nice storys.........
goodnovel comment avatar
Philips Kennedy
I can't stop reading

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