
Tonight, you call me Jayden

         "This doesn't look like a clinic," was her first utterance as Maria stepped out of the vehicle, her eyes scanning a building that looked too sophisticated for a health center. It was a huge structure, made of marble and glass, with a large frontage and a grand staircase leading up to the main entrance. There was a large glittering sign hanging above the large doors that read 'Glamorous You'. From where she came from, health centers shouldn't look that fancy.

"It isn't." Jayden clarified before she even got to ask and came down from the car as well. "This is a beauty and fashion house, the best in town." He added with pride, holding his arm wide to encompass all the opulent buildings behind him.

Maria already figured it out judging by the look of it but still couldn't help but get stunned by his nonchalant revelation. She couldn't believe he was unsympathetic about playing her for a fool twice. She turned to face him instantly, her blue hues blinking in annoyance. "Why would we come here??" She was puzzled greatly, her harsh tone rising in disbelief and frustration.

Jayden crossed his arms and his gaze darted to the building in a flash. "Do you want to go to a party dressed like that?" His eyes came back as he spoke, scanning over the casual clothes she was wearing.

Her eyebrows shot upwards in surprise and then dropped, forming a straight line as she glared at him in response. "What are you talking about?" Maria rolled her eyes at how easily he dismissed her attire. There was nothing bad about putting on baggy clothes for someone visiting a grocery in her neighborhood. But she had more critical topics to debate about other than her choice of clothes.

She exhaled deeply before releasing her following words. "I will not be going anywhere, doing anything that has nothing to do with my job as your doctor, Mr. Stanley." She announced heatedly, her eyes shooting knives at the man whose eyes were narrowed sharply in response. "You should start to learn how to respect other people's opinions." She advised, her tone lowered in sincerity.

His expression remained unapologetic, his jaw set stubbornly. He did not talk for a long time, his silence making Maria feel frustrated. She shifted uncomfortably, biting her bottom lip while staring at him. Her patience was slowly fading away as she waited for him to speak, her eyes darting around restlessly.

"Forget this..." She murmured with exasperation, peeling her eyes off his unblinking stare. "I will just get the hell out of here." She added, moving forward back to the limousine to retrieve her shopping bag.

Her plan was ruined when Jayden swiftly moved to block her path and grabbed her wrist firmly, stopping her from walking further.

Maria spun to glower at the predicted intruder. She heaved heavily to maintain her cool as her spirit heated up at his audacity. "Let me go!" She snapped at him, feeling infuriated by the way he kept treating her. She struggled to pull out her hand but he was adamant in preventing her from escaping his grasp. "Do you think I'm some kind of pushover--"

"I will be paying you a thousand dollars for every hour you spend with me." Jayden cut her off, his voice low and husky.

Maria froze at his declaration, her eyes widening in shock. Her lashes flickered repeatedly as she recalled the ridiculous amount of money he just offered. "Thousand do-dollars?" The words escaped her addled brain before she quickly adjusted her emotions. She cleared her throat, feeling stupid to have gotten swayed for a second there.

"Deal?" He asked, still holding her wrist firmly, his stare unwavering and intense.

Maria shook her head in denial and lowered her vision to the ground. No matter how juicy and enticing his offer might seem, she didn't want to be tempted. Signs of desperation were the first step to losing her integrity and dignity.

Silence filled the space between them for a moment, Maria breathing with difficulty and nervously shifting her weight from one foot to another. She felt uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze which made her slightly edgy. She was considering walking out when his following words stopped her, something new and shocking.

"Please." He voiced, in a different kind of tone she had never heard from him. It was a softer version of his usual gruffness, soothing and breathy.

The word 'please' brought her to a frozen state. His request took her by surprise, making her head tilt toward him. He had never used that word on her. Apparently, he was not a fan of magical words such as 'please', 'thank you', 'sorry', and the like. But now, all of the sudden, he was using it on her, sounding almost vulnerable and desperate; that desperation she was avoiding, he was clearly showing it now.

Her sight sucked in his face, his eyes narrowed in concentration as they stared back. Maria looked down at the ground once more, the expectation and curiosity glowing from his bronze gaze taking her to a tight spot. She bit her lower lip, unsure of what to say or do.

"Why...?" She breathed hoarsely after a moment and raised her face once again. "Why are you so persistent about taking me to some party?" She inquired, squeezing her brows with genuine confusion, and was quick to add more words without giving him a chance to respond yet. "I mean...there are a lot of other girls there. Lo-look at the price you just offered. I bet some people wouldn't mind accompanying someone like you to a party, even if it's for free."

Jayden remained silent and unmoving, his tense muscles and jawline revealed through his taut features. He did not seem to be annoyed by her words, the lack of any reaction causing her to frown. "Because I don't have any other option. You are the only female I am acquainted with, which is not my mother or sister." He answered eventually, his tone monotonous.

Maria blinked, her lips parting in a surprised expression. She stared at him intently, her mind blank for a moment as she contemplated what to say. Her lips parted in response, her tongue hesitating as she tried to find the right words. She had not expected him to be that sincere and straightforward.

"And besides that, I need a very beautiful woman as my date to the party and you are the perfect person." Jayden continued, his tone flat and lacking any form of affection or admiration.

Her eyelids stretched, the balls inside almost popping from their sockets. His comment was unexpected, every part of it leaving her speechless. She stared at his profile in disbelief, her eyes wide open. Her mouth opened and closed several times before she finally found her voice.

"Are you flirting with me now, Mr. Stanley?" She gasped, her breath catching in her throat. She stared at him in shock, her cheeks flushing a deep red.

"I simply love to state facts," Jayden spoke, his deep baritone calm, his gaze strongly focusing on her and digesting all her reactions.

Maria's eyebrows shot up to her hairline, her lashes blinking more than their current state. How could he be so bold and forward with those words? He really was Jayden Stanley. She inhaled slowly, her breath turning into a hot breeze and blowing across her skin. "I am flattered..." She murmured, her tone faint and barely audible.

"Then, do you agree to come with me?" He asked, his question coming out a little too quickly and confidently.

Maria stared at him in silence for a long while, her mind processing every moment of their meeting. She thought of things she would do at home if she rejected his request and the only thought that crossed her mind was sleeping or catching some shows on TV. There was nothing exactly exciting about her weekends. But someone was requesting one day out of her many boring ones and was even willing to pay her a ridiculous amount for it. It was a party and parties sounded fun. It wouldn't hurt that much to get out of her comfort zone for one night, right?

She turned to face him, raising her chin to look into his eyes. They were dark and intense, the irises a deep brown and reflecting his emotions. The pupils glimmered in the moonlight, burning with curiosity. She smiled faintly, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly as she gazed at him. "Fine." She whispered, her voice soft and low.

Jayden exhaled heavily, his shoulders relaxing in relief. He wasn't used to rejection and wasn't sure how to handle it if she had. He wasn't good at it, and never had been. "Cool. Now let's get you all ready." He informed before bewildering her with a soft smile. It was quick and she could have almost missed the way his lips curved upwards and a tiny hint of happiness crinkled from his eyes. It was subtle, yet very obvious and she couldn't help but stare at his attractive features.

Maria blinked, realizing he had just proved her assumptions about his inability to make that particular facial expression wrong. He was capable of showing positive emotions and his facial muscles had not been crushed by the accident. She knew she sounded like a villain with all those thoughts but she couldn't help herself when all he ever offered were scowls and frowns. He was a hard man to read, that was for sure. But she liked the change though, the way his lips moved and the warmth behind his eyes, and the dimples that emerged when he smiled.

She faked a cough to maintain her composure and then bobbed her head at him. Her lips curled gently to the side, and her blue eyes flickered over his face. "Okay, Mr. Stanley." She replied after a few seconds of staring silently, her tone calm.

He nodded once before turning around to lead the way into the building but halted his steps as soon as he started. He brought back his face towards hers again and his gaze informed her he had some pieces to share. "By the way," he said, looking down upon her inquisitive peers. "Cut that out for tonight."

Maria's brows squeezed with a blank expression. "What are you talking about?" She questioned, her tone skeptical.

"Formalities. Tonight, you call me Jayden." He told her, his tone clear and concise. "And I will call you Maria, Ms. Patterson." He added, his eyes studying her reaction intently.

Amusement lifted her features after hearing his demand and a small, satisfied smile tugged at the edges of her lips. That was not a hard request. She had no issue addressing him by his first name or his last name. It didn't matter either way for as long as the bearer of those names didn't mind.

Her eyes fluttered closed, her lips curving up as she breathed deeply. She opened her eyes slowly, smiling at him as she continued to breathe in the air his closeness gave off, and then shrugged casually. "Sure, as long as you are fine with it." Maria agreed, her tone relaxed and pleasant.

Jayden nodded, his gaze lingering on her profile for a few more moments before speaking, "I am." He assured, and began to march forward, tracking the boutique.

Maria followed after him, her eyes drifting over his form as he walked. He was easy on the eyes and there was something about his height that made her feel protected. There was so much power and strength behind his frame. It made her wonder what the evening would be like as his fake girlfriend. Would she be able to keep up or humiliate herself amid people who were far up the social ladder like he was? She decided to shake away those thoughts and focus on being herself, the way she had always been.

She quickened her pace to catch up with his strides and smiled brightly at him as soon as she did. They continued their way to the building, with Daniel following behind them silently.


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