
Chapter 135 - Celeste


So fucking much pain.

They beat me for two full days. No food. No water. I was stuck in a dark cave and the rogue wolves were allowed to do anything they wanted to me. I was mutilated, losing a finger and part of one of my ears. I was bitten, marks left all over my body. I was clawed, deep gouges raking down my back, stomach, and legs. I was raped, over and over by each of the rogue wolves.

And then they chased me through the woods. The rogues could have easily caught me. I could barely stay on my feet. But they played with me. They were just chasing me to terrify me and get me away from the Riding Hood’s encampment. I was herded through the woods, their jaws snapping at me anytime that I moved away from where they wanted me to go.

I have no idea how long I ran. It felt like hours. I just know that I finally made it to the edge of my covendom. There, the lead rogue shifted back. He walked up to me, all swagger and coiled violence. I flinched away from him.
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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Each wolf gets a mate. And remember, rogues loose their humanity the longer they are a rogue. Before he became a rogue, he might have been a good guy. And Celeste isn’t the best kind of person out there either.
goodnovel comment avatar
It's these pairings that don't make since to me. Obviously this guy is not Mate material, and yet...
goodnovel comment avatar
Celeste’s mom effed her up. And she’s done some effed up sh!t. Could be getting what she deserves, but it’s still hard to watch.

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