

Malik doesn't know why he said what he said. He knows that Edna was surprised too because of the shocked stare she gave to him.

He didn't mean to make her feel uncomfortable, he just wanted to put the woman in her place and although it worked, Edna doesn't say a single word to her.

The plane lifts off the ground and it has been hours since they have been flying and not a single word has he said to her.

Yeah, maybe that wasn't a very smart thing he did there, he told the woman that he would fuck her and he didn't know it would scare her so much.

He lays his head against the headrest and tries not to think about what he has done so much. He glances at her, contemplating if he should apologize now or wait till they get to Rome first.

Edna falls asleep after they have had lunch on the plane and her head falls against his shoulder.

It took him by surprise the first time because even though she did it unconsciously, he still feels it's a good sign that shows that maybe she has forgive
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