

Edna is filled with hate when she sees that it's Malik who is calling her. She wants to fling the phone to the ground and stump on it.

She hates Malik so much, she hates his family too. They took her and drained life and energy out of her for five years and what is she getting in return?

Her parents are going to disown her because of him and she sure will forget all that his family has done to her.

She sets her eyes and holds her hand over her forehead, pressing it to subside the rising headache, but it's not working. The phone won't stop ringing too and it's just too much for her.

She angrily picks up the phone and answers the call.

"What?!" She barks. " What the hell do you want?"

" Hi, Edna, it's Malik. "He sounds different, this is not how he normally speaks to her. " Anna is here too, you are on the speaker. "

Oh, that's why? She blinks with surprise.

"Oh, Anna, hi. " She sniffs and wipes her tears.

" Edna, are you okay?"

" Yeah, I'm fine. " She lies.

" Malik and I are cal
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