
81. The Threatening Message

Michael's pov -

As Abigail rests peacefully in my arms, her gentle breaths creating a soothing rhythm, I can't help but find myself lost in admiration of her beauty. The soft glow of moonlight spills into the room, casting a delicate illumination upon her features. It's moments like these when I am reminded of the incredible fortune I have to call her mine.

I study her face, tracing the contours with my gaze, taking in every delicate detail. Her eyes closed in peaceful slumber, holding a captivating depth that never fails to draw me in. The curve of her lips, slightly upturned, reveals a hint of a smile, an indication of the happiness that resides within her even in her dreams.

With the gentlest touch, I graze my knuckles along her smooth skin, savoring the warmth and softness that lies beneath. A slight tickle elicits a barely perceptible smile, a small reflection of the joy she brings to my life. It's moments like these that make me realize how truly lucky I am to have her by my s

Hello readers, Do you think Ema is really in danger or another trap?

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