

“Archer!” Clarissa called out, but he didn’t turn.

Clarissa became slightly worried about the whole thing. She looked around and felt like she had been there before. It was strange because she didn’t remember ever coming here as an adult or as a child.

Sighing, she stepped out of the car she was in, and walked towards the scene. Archer was in low conversations with the men around him, and he looked so uptight, worse than he had been before.

Clarissa stepped further towards them, her lips tugging between her teeth. She needed to know what was going on. Archer never looked rattled, but he was visibly shaken this time.

“Archer,” she called out.

This time, he turned and gasped. She was almost close to him, but suddenly he was leading her back to the car. Clarissa looked up at him with a frown on her face.

“Sam, take care of the body. I believe you know what to do. We would handle the details tomorrow, understood?” He said stiffly, without stopping.

“Yes, Alpha,” Sam called out.

Archer pu
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