
Chapter 94 - Get Married Before The End Of The Year

"Morning dad," Mimi greeted her father who was already seated at the dining table before her.

"Morning my beautiful daughter," the man said with a bright expression, lowering the newspaper he had been reading to get a glimpse of his daughter.

It was quite obvious that Mimi took after the father with her blonde hair and honey eyes. The only thing she inherited from her mother was her great temper.

And speaking of her mother, the woman arrived with a frown.

"I told you no reading of papers at the dining," The woman set the bowl of food at the table before snatching the papers from her husband who grumbled.

Mimi laughed at the little morning drama, her parents were the best couple she had ever seen out there.

Since she was young, Mimi had never seen her father raise a finger on her mother, and even when they had quarrels, they settled it in their privacy and out of earshot. Her family was a peaceful one.

The love between them was so obvious that oftentimes Arianna had told her he envi
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