
I'm in.

          Sophia's pov

"You really want to please him right? You don't want him to be mad at you again right?" Donald's mom grinned as we both stared at each other intently.

I nodded my head with a shy smile, "yes ma'am."

"Then, what you have to do is very simple. You'll write a letter to Sophia, telling him how sorry you are and also, you'll tell him in the letter that, you wouldn't try to make him angry again. Just write something nice and polite too, that would put Donald in a good mood." She grinned widely.

I listened to her with rapt attention.

"And also, I have another idea." She whispered with a mischievous smile.

I creased my eyebrows and stared curiously at her.

"What is it mom? Is it something that'd really make Donald forgive me completely? I really do want him to forgive me and not stay mad at me. I'm ready to write the letter too." I pouted, feeling guilty because of how my character and clumsines

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