

Ryan's POV:

My instincts kicked into overdrive as the attackers closed in on us. I fought fiercely, my movements precise and calculated. But in the chaos of the battle, it was hard to get a clear look at our assailants. They seemed to be experts in combat, their faces mostly hidden beneath hoods, and their tactics well-coordinated.

I couldn't let them harm Eve. My primary concern was her safety. I fought with every ounce of strength and skill I possessed, trying to shield her from harm. She held her own, her determination unwavering, but the odds were overwhelming.

As the skirmish raged on, I found myself facing an assailant who had managed to get behind me. I reacted quickly, blocking their blows, but in the process, I twisted my body awkwardly, causing sharp pain to radiate from my wound.

The burning agony was a brutal reminder of my vulnerability. Blood trickled from the wound, staining my clothing. I gritted my teeth and refused to yi

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