

Eve’s POV

A thunderous knock reverberated through the hotel room, and a playful laugh escaped me as I rose to greet whoever was so eagerly interrupting. My assumption painted a picture of Ryan, as perhaps impatient to resume whatever activities we had initiated earlier. I swung the door open, fully expecting to find him waiting on the other side.

“You're coming back early,” I jested, ready to extend a teasing welcome, but my words faltered when Raven stood in the corridor.

His expression was a mosaic of horror and apprehension, a cocktail of emotions that sent a shiver down my spine. I was baffled, caught between the lingering laughter of our shared moments and the unsettling gravity etched on Raven's face.

"Are you okay?" I inquired, a knot of worry forming in my stomach. "What's happening?"

“Eve… are you alone?” he asked with caution, his eyes scanning the room.

"Yes. Why?" I responded, and the confusion was evident in my voice.

"Are you okay? Is there something bothering you?" he h
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