
Chapter 16

Tyron's POV

I WOKE up when someone kisses my lips, I pretend I'm still sleeping.

"I'm going now Tyron, thank you for your time and attention, I love you," I heard her whisper to my ears.

Even if I want to stop her and don't leave, I can't do anything, I want to kneel so that he doesn't leave and leave me, I can't, I felt that he slowly left even after closing the door of my room, I sighed and opened my eyes, a dark ceiling greeted me, I quickly stood up, I didn't even bother to put on clothes even though I was naked, I quickly took a shower.

I just put on shorts and immediately went downstairs and went to the kitchen and got some wine and went out of my Mini House, a cold wind greeted me and I looked at my distant yacht where she was riding. I drank the wine and tasted its bitterness.

I looked at the tiny figure of the yacht she was riding on, and I sighed and shook my head. If I only hold time My Queen Katkat, I will stop you from leaving, I want you to always be by my side, see, smell, touch, smile and kiss but, I know it will ruin everything, it can't be ruined just because I want you to be with me and stay by my side My Katkat someday you'll be mine real mine.

I finished the wine I was holding and entered my Mini House again. I quickly got dressed to return to Manila. It's been a week since we last met. Dammit I missed her, I missed everything about her already.

I drowned myself in work for a week, I almost missed a meal because every time I stopped working, she entered my mind. Maybe I'm insane to her and I admit it yeah hell I'm damn into her. I smiled as I remembered my past. Our first meeting.

I was happily riding my bike in our village when I heard someone crying, because I was curious I followed the cry. I stumbled upon a Mini Park here in the village. There was a girl crying under a mango tree, so I approached her, got off the bike and approached her. She wears pink shorts and a white dress with a smiley face. She has brown hair that is a bit wavy.

"Pst! Kid," I called her attention, but she didn't seem to hear me so I called her again.

"Kid, why are you crying?" But she still didn't pay attention to me so I knelt down in front of her and I forcibly held her jaw and I slightly raised her face but that's how my forehead wrinkled and her Chestnut eyes turned slightly red.

"Why are you crying like someone died? Are you okay?"

Damn! Why I'm asking if she's okay it's not.

Her chestnut eyes are full of sadness as if they are tired, lifeless and full of pain. I clenched my left fist and once again tears flowed down her beautiful pair of eyes.

I swallowed. "I—I'm sorry, why are you crying hmm?" I asked her and sat next to her.

She didn't say a word, I only heard her sobbing. I don't know but I hate to see her cry. She should be happy and smiling but why are her eyes full of sadness and sorrow as if her happiness has disappeared and she is filled with sadness.

"I hate living, *sniff* Why did God let me live? Why did God take my Mommy?" tearful promise she and she was still bent on her knees crying there. "Why God *sniff* Is it so unfair? I want my *sniff* M-Mom back! *Sniff* I missed my Mom!" she said, sobbing.

So her mom has already left her? I don't know but I can feel her sadness, that she wanted to be with her Mom again, but God took it away immediately.

I smiled. "God has a reason why your Mom took God, and also there's a reason why God let you live," I said weakly.

She shook her head again. "B-But *Sniff* because of me my Mom *sniff* d-died, I'm really bad... person, I want my Mom, tomorrow is my *Sniff* birthday and her death a-anniversary, I hate my... birthday it's a-always remind her *sniff* d-death anniversary, my Dad is always crying *sniff* because he misses my Mom, I w-want my mom back and my f-family we... build it a-again. I hate... seeing Dad *sniff* c-crying every night, it's killing m-me too. I-I wish *sniff* I'd just n-died instead of you... M-Mom, D-Dad needs Mom more than s-me, if it wasn't for me Mom wouldn't *sniff* l-lost."

I don't know but I feel at ease with her, I feel comfortable with her by my side, and I only know one thing now. She needs someone beside her, it's not her thing to cry when she's hurt, she's too innocent about things.

"I'm here, I promise I'll never leave you, princess," I promised as she turned to me.

I smiled when I saw her eyes that had a little pleasure.

"What are you saying?" she innocently asked, I smiled again.

"I don't want to see you crying princess, your Mom in God heaven right now, she's not happy to see her princess crying, so cheer up princess. I'm here, I won't leave you a promise!" I said and raised my hand as if swearing.

A small smile affairs on her pinkish red lips. I smiled too. Damn she's an amazing girl. I comforted her at that time. I just hate seeing her cry, I don't want to see tears in her beautiful eyes.

"What is your name?" she asked me.

There are no more tears in her eyes, she is quite well compared to before and she is staring at me.

"Call me Arlo." She's smiling.

"Thank you for comforting my Brother Arlo." I frowned upon what she said.

"Don't call me Brother," I promised with a frown.

She was slightly surprised that I raised my voice, so I spoke immediately.

"Sorry, just please don't call me brother, okay?"

"Why? Brother Maven said that I call you Brother or Sister if you're older than me, so you're older than me, so I call you Brother, right?" she innocently asked.

"Just don't call me brother. I'm just 9 years old. Arlo, it's okay."

She nodded. "It's okay, Arlo."

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked her back.

"Katlyn, but Kat for short."

And that time I found myself laughing with her, the next day I attended the "5th Birthday" she also introduced me to Uncle Vladimir and her two older brothers.

We became friends and best friends as time went on. I liked her more and more. All I know is that I'm happy to see her happy and to be with her. We met almost every day in the park in our village until bad news separated us. And now I really broke my promise to you, My Katkat , that I will not leave her.

And why did she forget me? I really missed My Katkat, she quickly forgot me. Yes, we met when we were young but the only part that hurts is that she can't remember me. I smiled bitterly because the things I destroyed in the past came back, my past I want to forget but how can I forget if she was there in my past?

Dammit it's really killing me alive. I just woke up with a headache because of what I took care of last night, I immediately got out of bed and took a shower, then I cooked breakfast, when I was done I got dressed, now it's my cousin's wedding I can't be late because I'm his Best Man, he's damn asshole I want to punch his damn face.

Using my Ferrari black car I quickly reached the church. There were many people but the Bride was not there. When I got off I was immediately greeted by my friends.

"What the fuck Beastfriend, you're good to your blue tuxedo, it looks like you're the one getting married hahahaha!" Ashish said with a smile as he cuddled up to Lilius.

"This fuckboy human is right pre, are you better prepared than your cousin Lance," Cassius replied and looked behind me.

Damn, if only I could marry her, I would be the happiest man right now. I looked behind me, my cousin was approaching us.

"Hey guys, thank you for coming," my cousin Lance greeted us with a smile.

Shad smiled and patted Lance on the shoulder. "Of course bro, your marriage isn't complete without us being your friends, right Brodie's?" Lilius woke up.

"He's right bro, congrats I hope I find mine too," Cassius greeted and even shook the groom's hand.

"You'll find her soon, and thank you," the groom said back to Cassius.

"Just be a good husband to your soon to be Wife, Lance," reminded Zubin, staring seriously at the groom.

The groom smiled. "I will, if she's a good wife to me."

The wedding planner caught our attention, the wedding was about to start and we were let in because the Bride was coming. I was next to the Groom, Lance, when the double doors opened, the ring bearer and bridesmaids started walking, they entered next when the main wedding song started.

The Bride entered slowly with her left hand hooking her Dad, she was bowing to Uncle Vladimir, but her Dad whispered something that raised her head, she met the people's gazes but suddenly her eyes fixed on me, my heart beat faster when I saw her, my heart flattered so fast that it was about to come out of my chest, my heart recognized his lover, I stared at her chestnut pair of eyes that made her even more beautiful.

She's very beautiful, I won't judge her, her eyes that you can see sadness and a little joy, her pinkish red lips that are slightly open, I swallowed hard and looked back at her bright eyes, the closer she got, the more I could see her beauty. If I could run you to your wedding, I would do it My Katkat, but I can't. Uncle Vladimir shook Lance's hand first.

"Take care of our Princess, huh? Son Lance, don't make her cry, I'll take my daughter back from you," uncle's voice was joking but serious.

The groom smiled sweetly and nodded. "Alright, Daddy, you can hope that I won't make your daughter cry yet."

Damn you cousin.

We sat down and started the wedding.

"We are here to witness the union of Mr. Lance Callen and Ms. Katlyn Buendias, does anyone object toIs this a wedding?" Father asked.

The whole church was silent, I wanted to raise my hand to protest but I couldn't break it because it was already planned. I stared at her knowing she noticed I was looking at her and I knew he wasn't comfortable with that.

I sighed and slightly turned to Ashish knowing that they know that I am fencing her so they know that there is a possibility that I will object to this sin, if the only thing I want to follow is that I will object and I will run away from her, she knows that I don't like to share anything with her.

Their foreheads were furrowed looking at me and they smiled slightly, I let out a deep breath and turned to him again who was also looking at me slightly. When no one objected, the ceremony began, the flow of the wedding ceremony became gentle.

"Mr. Lance Callen do you accept Ms. Katlyn Buendias as your loving Wife to richer or poorer to sickness and health to death do us part now and forever?'' Father said and looked at Lance.

He smiled as if there was no tomorrow. "I do." Father nodded and smiled, he turned to Katlyn and gave her a smile as well.

"Ms. Katlyn Buendias do you accept Lance Callen as your loving Husband to richer or poorer, to sickness and health, to death do us part now and forever?" He looked at Lance, I don't know but she seemed hesitant to answer this but he answered it anyway.

"I-I do."

The boy gave the wedding ring on the small white pillow and handed it to Lance and he took Katlyn's left hand and began his speech.

"Wear this ring sign of my love to you, you're the only woman I will love in my whole life, I will cherish, I will take care of you and our future child we will be together for a long time I will do everything just for you and I will never let someone ruin our family," he said emphatically and put the ring on her finger.

She gave the ring and took Lance's left hand and spoke, she swallowed it before speaking.

"W-wear this ring sign of my l-love to you, you're the only m-man I will love in my whole life, I will cherish, I will take care of you and our future c-child we will be together for a long time, I will do everything just for you and I will never let someone ruin our f-family in the-future," even though she stammered, she still insisted.

When their oath was over, the ceremony continued again, they also signed the marriage certificate until the last part of the ceremony.

"Now I pronounce to you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride," Father announced with a smile.

They both looked at each other but I noticed that Katlyn was looking at me, I clenched my fists that were inside my slacks, I don't know but her eyes seemed to attract, there was sadness in her eyes, Lance suddenly kissed her, holding her neck to deepen their kiss, but my eyes were still on her clenched hand, they each took a picture of them as a newly wedded couple, Katlyn herself was the one who blew the kiss, a little embarrassed Lance because he still chased after her, she just had to smile so she wouldn't be too embarrassed.

Damn! I hate this!

It hurts to see the girl you want marry a man who isn't you, it's like it's killing me little by little.

It is very painful though she was tied to someone else and I didn't even do anything.

Fuck this life damnit!

Everyone was there for a picture taking, the woman's family, her two older brothers and her Daddy, followed by the man's family, Lance Aunt and Uncle, after that, the maids of honor and I, all the bridesmaids were also included, until it was over, after we immediately went to the reception area where it will be held at a resort, there was singing and dancing while the newlyweds were quiet in their seats.

All their family members were together at one table while our friends and other guests were at the other table. Sometimes I caught her looking at me but she immediately avoided her. The happy event continued, there was drinking and singing. I noticed that Katlyn left her seat. Just as she was about to leave, Lance grabbed her arm. I could clearly see how kat winced when my cousin touched her.

Lance hurting her? Damn it!

But Lance also let go of her and she stood up and went to our table. Ashish grinned when he saw Lance approaching our table.

"Yow bro congrats you are married now hahaha you can't be another girl," Ashish teased him.

The cousin smiled. "Gago, how are you here? Are you all right? Why is there no alcohol here for a while." He left and got a case of wine.

We drank. I haven't seen my Katlyn since she left. 12 a.m. when the drinking was over, they were a bit drunk, especially my cousin, I just took them to their respective rooms, and lastly I took my playboy cousin, I rang the doorbell while holding my hand, because he couldn't stand up drunk when the door opened, I looked at her, she had just taken a bath because her hair was wet, she was wearing pink pajamas, she was wearing only thin nightgowns so I could clearly see her bra sticking up in her nightgown, secret I clenched my fist, dammit my temptation.

She was surprised to see me, her mouth slightly open and her eyes widened. I just swallowed because my body temperature was changing.

"T-Tyron... what are you doing here?" she stuttered and anxiously asked.

I cleared my throat. "Katlyn, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you. I'm here to deliver my cousin," I said while still staring at her.

We looked at each other, I saw that both of her cheeks were red, she's wearing pink pajamas, it's so thin that I can see her black bra, I swallowed several times because my pet was still alive, she looked down at my cousin as if she was doubting whether she would let him in or not. She swallowed and smiled slightly at me. Please do not now.

Dammit, I want to touch her, feel her warmth.

"Ahm... come in please just put him on the couch T-Tyron I'll take care of him, uhm t-thanks for bringing him," she said and she entered the kitchen.

If you don't let her in, I will go in there amore. It was obvious that she was worried because both of her cheeks were red, so she entered the kitchen and I followed her without hesitation and hugged her from behind.

She gapes. "T-Tyron!"

I buried my face in her neck and smelled her there, I really love to smell her.

"I missed you, My Queen Katkat!" I whispered softly to her, feeling myself stand up her hair on her nape and neck.

"Tyron, L-Lance might see us," she stammered nervously and just as I was about to remove my arms from hugging her, I tightened my hug even more.

I shook my head. "I don't give a damn if my cousin sees us, I'm damn shit jealous My Katkat," I said emphatically.

"I'm married to your cousin Tyron, you're doing it wrong—we are." I sighed and loosened my hug from her and faced her with me.

"For me it's not bad to love someone who is in a relationship, if you know that you both like each other, there's nothing wrong with that. The only thing that's bad is when you know you don't love someone, you just ignore it. That's the wrong thing that you knew was wrong from the beginning and you're still doing it, please don't be an idiot," I told her directly, tears forming in both of her eyes.

"Please Tyron, go away!" she said and walked away from me, as she walked away it was as if she was saying that I walked away from her.

Someone is whispering to me that no matter what happens, I should not stay away from her and I will stand by that because I like her, I love her and I have a sworn promise that I have to keep. I shook my head and hugged her again.

"No. I'll just be here or will you come with me?" I asked emphatically. She shook her head and quickly removed my arms from hugging her. I looked at her better and I sighed, I looked at her again.

"Okay if that's what you want."


My jaw tightened and I moved away from her a little.

"But once or twice that I see him hurt you or see you have a bruise on any part of your body, I will not hesitate to snatch you away from my cousin, mark my word My Katkat!" I promised strongly and kissed her again on the lips and left, both clenching my fists.

I just found myself walking on the dark beach holding a bottle of Scotch as I drank it. I sat on the sand and looked up at the white round moon that gave light to the whole place, with the beautiful and twinkling stars in the sky, there were no clouds so the surroundings became more peaceful and beautiful, even the sea was shining because the light of the round moon reflected in the ocean.

I drank alcohol again and almost passed out. At the same time, my tears began to fall. I didn't realize I was crying. For the fourth time, I let you go to her. If I had been tougher and stronger I would have fought for you because I would have followed my feelings for her but damn shit I will not let you get to her, my Katkat.

I'm like a candle that slowly fades and dies, while you are the strong flame and stay alive but I know it's against your wishes, so I'm sorry My Katlyn. But this time, I will follow what my heart beats for and it's her.

I drank wine again and looked up at the white moon. I know this is just a test from the Lord and I will prove that I can overcome it. I will do everything this time to get what is mine.

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