
025 - A Beta's Fate, An Alpha's Destiny


"Wear whatever you’re comfortable with. It’s you I want to take out, not the dress you’re in." Smooth move, but I meant that. She could be in a rug sack and she would still look perfect in my eyes.

But then she didn’t say anything, and I felt stupid again. 

Why the fuck did school never teach us how to formally pursue a female? I’m a fucking Alpha, but I’m too fucking lame with my words.

I was still thinking of ways to get back from that when she finally spoke.

"Are you sure? I don’t want to look underdressed when we’re together." She sounded unsure, and I was confused for a moment.

"Why would you think of that? I’ll just wear simple clothes too. Unless you expect me to wear something fancy?"

Oh, fuck this! I didn’t know that asking a female out would require so many things. Not that I was complaining, I just had no fucking idea what to say.

"No. Not fancy, please. Just that... have you looked in the mirror? It’s like you can wear nothing and still be good-looking." 

That was it. My dick was fucking hard already. 

"Shit…" I heard her mumble softly on the other line. She must have realized she had just busted herself that she found me attractive, and I couldn’t stop myself from grinning ear to ear, and I didn’t know how to respond without sounding cocky. 

"You’re beautiful, Celeste. Any man would be lucky to stand beside you. And I’m grateful you’re giving me a chance to take you out tonight. So don’t worry about clothes. How about we both just wear jeans and a comfortable shirt?"

"Thank you. And that sounds lovely, jeans and a shirt. So… see you later, then?"

"Yes. I’ll see you later." I placed the receiver back on its cradle after she hung up before punching the air with my balled fist. I wasn’t expecting this, but everything worked out perfectly. 

Now all I have to do is notify Dominic that I will be leaving the territory for the entire day and may return around midnight. Eight hours of driving back and forth were no joke, but I was up for it.

Just a simple date. Just to make my wolf happy. 

I didn’t waste any more time and went to find Dominic. He was with the warriors, and I could tell something was bothering him, but when he found out I was on my way out, he insisted he was okay and that we would talk when I got back, and there was nothing I should worry about.

He asked me where I was heading, and I finally admitted to him that I had found my mate. Although I didn’t tell him who it was and he didn’t push to find out more. 

I realized there was no use denying it now, especially since I had just made a decision without thinking about it, which was something new to me. 

At least I would have a memory of this one date with Celeste if she and I did not end up together. It was enough to keep my spirits high.

I saw happiness in Dominic’s eyes as he was telling me that he was glad that I found her.

He told me I could stay away for a day or two, or even a week, and he would make sure the pack would be attended to. And I knew he could. He had been running the pack for quite a while now, and I was just getting updates and information from him. Both my Beta and Gamma were reporting directly to him, and so far, I had never heard any complaints from them.

I made the right choice, Dominic would make a good Alpha.

But now, I have to push the pack to the back of my mind as I prepare myself for the most exciting adventure of my life.

A date with a human.

"Where do you think you’re going?" Katarina’s voice reached my ears as I was about to step out of the packhouse. She must have descended the stairs and caught my scent. 

I had no more intention of keeping the news of my finding my mate from my sisters, but I had no idea how to tell them without being awkward, so I was hoping Dominic would inform them.

But I guess I can never avoid it now.

I spun around, a wide grin on my face as I looked at my sister, who was approaching with her eyebrows hiked up as she looked at me from head to toe.

"Are you wearing perfume?" she asked.

"Does it smell bad?" I answered almost immediately.

"No. It actually smells nice, but... just wondering why?"

I couldn’t blame her for her curiosity. Werewolves emit scents that are simply attractive to other wolves, and a special scent just for their mate, so there was simply no need to shower in perfume. Unless, of course, your mate happens to be human and would not be able to scent your special scent.

"Oh Goddess, did you brush up your hair and shave your face too?" Katarina came forward and cupped my face. "Darvin, are you okay?"

I chuckled as I held her palms and withdrew them from my cheeks. "Do I look good?"

"You know you’re handsome whether you have drool or sweat." She smiled at me, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. But I was used to it by now, ever since I told her about my wolf dying. 

"I have a date."

"No fucking way! Oops! " She clamped her hand over her mouth and looked around to see if anyone heard her. My sister Katarina is always the prim and proper one, so hearing her swear was something unusual. "I’m sorry I got too excited."

"No harm done!" I reached out and ruffled her hair before a faint shriek escaped her lips. 

"Darvin! Not my hair!"

"Why are you screaming, Katarina?" Sofia came down the stairs, skipping her way until she reached us. If Katarina is the prim and proper one, the youngest is the wild and reckless one. 

"Darvin is going on a date!" Katarina exclaimed, clasping her hands together as if it was the best thing she’d heard.

"No fucking way!" Sofia’s eyes widened as her lips curled into a teasing smile.

"Yes, yes! He is! Can you smell him? I think he bathed in perfume."

"Oh, Darvin! Someone caught your eyes!" Sofia’s arms snaked around me as she hugged me. "Should we come with you so we can take pictures?"

I couldn’t help laughing heartily as my sisters giggled. They’re making it sound like I was the youngest one and they were my parents, excited that I was finally taking a girl out.

"Enough of you celebrating. I don’t even know if she’ll end up liking me."

"Of course, she will! Who can say no to you?" Katarina exclaimed.

I grinned at my sisters as I stepped back towards the front door. My eyes were shifting back and forth between them before I blurted out the truth. "My mate is human. So I have to pursue her first because I’m guessing she has no idea that shifters exist." 

I said it way too fast before turning around, not giving them time to throw me questions as I sprang towards my car that was waiting outside the packhouse.

"Darvin! We need to talk!" Sofia’s voice erupted in the air as small footsteps scrambled to run after me.

"We’ll talk once I’m home. I can’t be late on my first date." I answered. I didn’t want them to find out it was Celeste until I could figure out what the chances were between us.

"Darvin, we’re serious!" Katarina held on to the window of my car as she panted from all the running. "If she’s human, you need to take it slow. No matter how much you want to kiss her, keep your hands off of her. She might not understand how hormonal you are."

I chuckled at her words before my eyes shifted to Sofia beside her. "And buy her flowers. Request for a nice arrangement. Open doors for her. And when you walk, make sure you’re the one on the dangerous side. Ask permission before holding her hand."

"And eat slowly. You can’t eat like a wolf in front of her." Katarina added.

I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. Some of the things they said, I already knew, but it made me happy that my sisters were supportive.

"Yes, dear sisters. I’ll be on my best behavior." I roared the engine to life, and the two of them backed away from my car before Katarina came forward again and leaned over the window, throwing her arms around me. "I’m glad you found her."

"Me too." I tilted my head and kissed her cheek before she let go. Sofia did the same, but this time, I was the one who leaned over the window and hugged her, kissing her cheek before I withdrew from her.

I waved goodbye to my sisters, who were beaming at me as I drove away and out of the driveway.

I couldn’t help but feel hopeful. I knew what Katarina meant when she said she was glad I found her. She was glad I found my mate before I completely lost my wolf and before my nose would not be able to scent her.

And I was glad too. Because all this time, I thought no one was meant for me.

***One more coming up in a bit***

Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
love this siblings. . i hope we could see Celeste and Darvin date tomorrow
goodnovel comment avatar
Thank you for the free chapter i read this already forgot what book. Iam excited what will be the outcome darvin and celeste’s date…
goodnovel comment avatar
Love this 3 siblings... Rereading this 3 chapters again.. Hahahaha

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