


The next morning, as students filed into Willow Creek High for the first period, there was a tangible sensation of expectation in the air. Following yesterday's terrifying announcements, it felt like the entire school was holding its collective breath, ready for whatever new chaos Mrs. Wilkins planned to unleash next.

Lila kept her head down as she walked through the throngs of people, attempting to avoid drawing unwanted attention. She could practically feel the weight of furtive eyes and badly hidden whispers coming at her from all sides. No doubt, knowledge of her "elite" group assignment with Caleb Matthews had already spread like wildfire through the painfully incisive social circles.

As she approached her first-period English lesson, Lila couldn't help but look around for her newly designated colleagues. Part of her was morbidly fascinated about how they would react in the harsh light of day. Had the dust calmed sufficiently for Caleb to resume his customary rude arro
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