


"Your sister, Julia, will be starting at Willow Creek High on Monday."

Caleb was taken aback by his father's statements. This was the last thing he expected out of all the scenarios he was thinking about.

"You're joking, right?" His laugh was harsh. "Julia attends my public school?" Why the devil would she transfer from Brookfield Academy?

His father gave him a serious look. "Because it's time she experienced the real world instead of that privileged bubble she's been coddled in."

Caleb's stomach hollowed out as the implication set in. Julia is at his school. Suddenly, his safe refuge of anonymity, his escape from the weight of familial expectations, was about to be destroyed.

"This is ridiculous," he exclaimed, his frustration palpable. "You can't just upend her entire life like this two weeks before the Championships!"

"We can and we are." His father's tone accepted no debate. "Your sister needs a reality check, and you're going to help provide it whether you like it or
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