
I can't marry him

 Kiara and her mum set the food on the old center table in the parlour while the whole family sat on the floor ready to eat except Mr Dalton who was seated on the single chair they have.

Kiara was surprised seeing the expensive food her mother cooked. They haven't eat such kind of food for a very long time. The whole family seat comfortable as they feast on the food.

"Mum the food is very delicious" Kate said as she broke the silent between them.

"You love it?" Mrs Dalton's asked smiling at her.

" Yes I love it mum" she muttered.

"Sis Kiara thank you very much for the money" Kate said sharply.

"Huh? Kiara stop her food looking at her with a questioning look wondering why she is thanking her for what she did not do.

"Mum told me you are the source of our plenty money and I will be going to my dream school just like the rich kids. Thank you so much Sis Kiara" she said eating her food.

Kiara turn and look at her mother with a questioning look she suspect that something is fishing but she can't tell what it is.

"Enough* Mr Dalton's said to the talk active Kate . "Have warned you to stop talking while eating" he said glaring hard at Kate.

"Am sorry Daddy" she apologize innocently. "I was just very excited and I can't hide my excitement."

"You will tell your sister more about how excited you are when you are done eating."

"Okay dad she said happily.

When's the Dalton's family finished eating kiara and her mum clean the table. After a little while Kate went inside the bedroom to sleep.

"Mum can you explain to me now where all this money is coming from?" she asked her mother who is seated close to Mr Dalton.

"Seat down, Kiara" Mr Dalton's said. "It not something we can discuss while standing" and immediately she sat down on the floor since her father and mother is occuping the only chair available.

"A very wealthy and handsome man came her to ask for your hand in marriage" Mrs Dalton break the most shocking news of her life to her.

"Alright" she answered still not getting where her father is driving to.

"He gave us a huge amount of money and promise to take Kate to a better school if we can convince you to marry him."

"What?" Kiara eyes dimmed immediately. "You collect money from a total stranger to come and marry me what kind of a parent are you?" she muttered trying her best to keep her cool.

"Kiara don't let this opportunity slip away from us he is a good man and will take very good care of you" her mother try to convince her.

"I can never marry him. How did you expect me to cope with a guy I don't know. Mum are you also in support of this?" she asked staring at her mother who couldn't look into her daughter face.

Mrs Dalton's have kicked against the idea when the man came earlier but her husband was able to convince her that it the only way they can come out of poverty which is actually truth and she being a loyal and meek wife have no choice than to support her husband.

"Father I can never marry a man I don't love or know anything about" she raised her voice at her father for the first time.

"There's no such thing as love" Mr Dalton's interrupted her. "Your mother was given to me as a wife by her parents at a tender age and I will give you to Handy also as a wife" Turning to my mother "You better talk to your daughter or I will disown her if she go against my wish" he said in anger his eyes a blazing fire his hand clutch in a tight fist and walk he out of their presence.

"Mother please talk to him I can't marry a man I know nothing about" she said going close to her helpless mother.

"Kiara we all want your happiness but I don't have the power to go against your father he is a man of his word he will never listen to me" she said.

That's just the plain truth Mrs Dalton's always do and act on what her husband wants her to do she is like a slave to him than just a wife and there's no connection between them as husband and wife.

"Mother do you want me to suffer in my husband house?" came Kiara soft voice. "You were forced to marry father by your parents and that why there's no love between the both of you do you want me to face the same thing?" she stuttered sadly.

"Your father loves me and I believe the man you will marry will love you too" Mr Dalton's defended. "We want the best for you and Handy is the right man for you Mr Dalton's said.

"I knew it you will always support your husband against your own child. Nothing will make me to marry him she said angrily.

"Kiara this man will help us he will make us rich and bring us out of poverty. Are you not happy with the mood of Kate today?" she asked pointing at the entrance to where Kate was sleeping. "Make this family happy for once this not just about you but about us as a family this our only opportunity of becoming rich and important. You have to marry so your father won't disown you."

"So all this marriage stuff is about money mum?" She asked already in tears. "You are sending me out to a strange man all because of money huh? You are selling me out to him in place of money" she stuttered.

 "I will never get married to any man I don't love. Not you, or father can force me to marry him so, whatever you have taken from him quickly return it because I am going to let you down" she challenge angrily and walk out of the house leaving her mother on her own dismay.

Kiara Dalton's is a 21 years old hardworking lady. She is pretty, sexy sweat and fun. She has a blue deep ocean eyes that anybody will love to stare at. She has a pretty sexy body that anyone can die for. She has a perfect shape that anyone will fall for, a long  beautiful hair that stop at her back.....but her parents are poor she work daily tirelessly just to cater for her family and lovely sister Kate. But now it seems like her effort is not enough her parents wants more tired of living in poverty.

When Handy came to their house that morning they see him as the only opportunity to what that have been praying so they don't bother about Kiara happiness before marring her off to him.

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