

Her breaths came out in pants. “No.”

Alaric froze between her thighs. “No?”

“I don’t want that,” she said, eyes open and fixed on his face. “I want you.”

“You have me.”

A smile raced across her lips, full and absolutely dazzling. Luckiest man alive to be on the receiving end of something so fucking marvelous. “I want you in me.”

Holy shit, had he heard her right? Like being handed a winning lottery ticket and not believing it. “Are you sure?”

Fuck. Listen to him. Are you sure?

She wet her lips, and he groaned. “Positive.”

For a few seconds, he didn’t move, and then he was up and off that bed faster than any man had ever moved, shucking off his bottoms even quicker. He reached into the nightstand and grabbed a foil wrapper, tossing it on the bed beside her.

A breathy laugh came from Vanessa. “Excited?” she asked,

“You have no idea.”


Vanessa was beginning to get a good idea of how excited Alaric was as she eyed his thick, rigid erection as he rolled a condom on. Good God, he w
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