

As Alaric walked out of the office, his phone rang. Glancing at the caller ID, he nearly groaned out loud. It was his boss, and Alaric had a pretty good idea why he was calling.

"I knew you'd call soon. I rushed up here to see you."

“I saw your pretty mug on TV this afternoon,” Bobby Brown drawled. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“I had no idea those reporters would be there,” Alaric protested. “And I still have no idea why.”

Bobby snorted. “Christopher Wesley again. Man, that guy had more secrets than even we knew about.”

“What now?”

“Someone leaked to the media a story that Wesley had a secret lover. A male lover. " Bobby paused, apparently to let that sink in.

“It had to be Chris,” Alaric mused out loud. “That was Christopher's boyfriend, and we’re ninety-nine percent sure he’s the one who’s been threatening Vanessa. You heard about the exploding drone?”

“I did.” Bobby went silent for a moment. “You mean you knew about Christopher being gay?”

Alaric explained about the photo al
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